Fit & Healthy - Naturally

Created by Rina Van Der Walt & Trevor Greenfield

Created by Trevor Greenfield

Being healthy, both physically and mentally, is more important now than ever

The world is currently going through, probably, the biggest challenge to our health and well-being in living memory.

The pandemic has had, and for many is still having, a major impact on both our physical and mental health.

As a result many people are looking for help to cope with the impact of the Covid virus.

The initial infection is bad enough but we are now seeing the long-term effects that have now been recognized as long-covid. Symptoms can be really severe in some cases where people are having to learn how to walk again, improve brain function and improve breathing to name just some of the many difficulties people are facing.

Our aim here is to provide a growing library of advice and guidance to help our members through this pandemic and beyond.

Whether you are one of the many people suffering some impact of the pandemic or just need help to get fitter and healthier you'll find something here to help you.

To welcome you to our community we would like to give you a free guide to achieving better health called "Calm Mind Healthy Body". You can get your copy by clicking the link below.

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